Surrogacy is a process where a woman, a surrogate, carries a child for a couple. The couple can be from any country. The couple or any other person for whom the surrogate carries the child is the child’s legal parent. In addition, surrogacy is in two forms:
- Traditional surrogacy
- Gestational Surrogacy
Traditional surrogacy
In traditional surrogacy procedures, the surrogate’s eggs are used along with the sperm if the intended father or the donor gets pregnant. Moreover, this procedure makes the surrogate the child’s genetic mother, and she possesses a biological relationship with the newborn. However, she still has no right over the child after their birth.
Gestational surrogacy
Gestational surrogacy is quite different from traditional surrogacy as the surrogate carries the embryo, which is formed with the eggs of the future mother or donor and uses the sperm of the donor or the future father. This way, the surrogate is not the biological mother or the newborn, nor can she claim any rights from the child’s ownership.
Surrogacy is a complex procedure involving ethical, legal, and emotional factors. Moreover, all the parties must understand all the implications of surrogacy, so it becomes easier for them to cope with the process.
Surrogacy in Belgium
The leihmutterschaft belgien is legal but does not allow the surrogate to take any compensation for the procedure. Furthermore, the compulsion for a surrogate mother in Belgium is that she must be more than 25 years old and have prior experience delivering a child.
Belgium has strict laws when it comes to surrogate mothers. The country fully protects the right of a surrogate mother. In addition, not only it safeguards the rights of a surrogate but also the intended parents and the child born through surrogacy.
The rules and regulations in Belgium regarding surrogacy include a written agreement between the surrogate mother and intended parents. Furthermore, the judge must approve the agreement.
The agreement must further include the right of a surrogate who can anytime change her mind about having ownership of the child.
The agreement also includes the clause that the couple must be married before opting for the surrogacy process in Belgium. Even more, they must go through psychological, medical, and social screening before they opt for the surrogacy process.
Surrogacy in the Netherlands
The leihmutterschaft niederlande revolves around certain regulations where the surrogates do not receive financial compensation other than medical and other surrogacy-related expenses.
Only heterosexual couples can opt for surrogacy in the Netherlands. The Netherlands does not allow couples of the same-sex or single people to choose the surrogacy procedure.
A surrogate mother is usually paid a fee for carrying the child. Surrogacy revolves around two types, and they are known as traditional and gestational surrogacy. Furthermore, traditional surrogacy is all about the surrogate mother being biologically connected to the newborn, while in gestational surrogacy, the surrogate has no such biological connection with the child. There are some limitations for surrogacy in Belgium and Netherlands