Every man, at some part in their life, has come across the word ‘vasectomy.’ But most of them are unaware of how the procedure works. Vasectomy involves a surgical procedure restricting the male from impregnating their female partner. The procedure stops the sperm from mixing with the semen. This will, however, not affect the ejaculation, orgasm or production of sperm inside the male body but ensures that it is not released from the body. Men with no intention of reproduction or already having children opt for vasectomy. Therefore if one is looking for a permanent solution to escape pregnancy for the female partner, the best option is to get a vasectomy in Brooklyn, New York, after consulting with a urologist.
When does A Doctor refer a Vasectomy?
Vasectomy is generally referred by a doctor when one decides, along with his partner, they are not willing to have children anymore. The process works by blocking the sperm cells, thereby preventing them from mixing with the semen to restrict unwanted pregnancy. The ejaculation following a vasectomy doesn’t contain sperm. Therefore there remains no chance of pregnancy. There are various methods of vasectomy that a urologist might undertake. They are as follows:
Traditional Approach:
In such an approach, two tiny incisions are created on each scrotum which imparts the vas differences right from the opening. This is, however, followed by cutting and stitching the tube ends. Once the procedure is completed, the vas deferences are placed back in the scrotum, and finally, the slit is carefully stitched.
No- Scalpel Vasectomy:
This method doesn’t require any stitches. The vas differences will be located and clamped on the skin of the scrotum. A special device will be used to punch the skin and make a hole that will make it easy to pull out the tube where the vas differences will be slit and sealed on both ends. Once this is completed, the tube will be placed back, and the holes will be left as it is without any stitches as they tend to heal naturally.
Vas Clip Vasectomy:
As the name suggests, this method uses special clips on the tube to restrict the flow of the sperm. The surgeon might choose any of the above-mentioned vas deferens exposure methods.
Final Thoughts:
If one intends to undertake a vasectomy, one should consult a urologist and discuss the method that will be convenient.